Thursday 2 July 2015

Stop Waiting for Friday

Me and my sister Lucy were having a chat the other day, when Lucy asked me a profound question. It threw me, because normally are discussions go like this;

Or our other favourite debate;

If you had to live in space or under the sea, what would you choose? (Under the sea wins every time, just so we can sing this!

So when Lucy asked me this, it threw me.......

Lucy being profound

That’s a really tough one to answer. I’d hate to stay this size forever, which is why I’m trying my best to do something about it. I want to be able to wear whatever I want to and feel fabulous in it, rather than opening my wardrobe and asking, “what fits?” I want to feel fitter and healthier and I want to walk into a room and not worry that a group of whispering people are commenting on the size of my arse!

Someone last week accused me of being unhappy with myself because I wrote a blog about wanting to lose weight and being embarrassed by myself when I stuffed myself with digestives topped with Nutella. The truth is I'm far from unhappy with myself, in many respects I am a very lucky girl and I'm truly grateful for the things I have in my life - my family, my friends, my pets, my health, my business, I'm even grateful that the yellow roses I planted in my garden last year are growing. I find joy whenever I can wherever I can. I've worked hard to be this way. The hardest thing to accept is that sometimes bad stuff just happens and worrying about it, won't stop it!

However I am a really focused person and I want to be the very best I can in everything that I do. The standards I want to meet are my own. For example, I want my business to be the very best I can make it. I want to do an amazing job for my clients. I'm not aiming to be Apple (although I wouldn't mind being a penny behind them) but I want to know that my clients go away with what they wanted and a bit more. So to help that along, I'm doing a training qualification because it will help with the training aspect of my business better. It doesn't mean I'm unhappy with the service we already offer  but I want it to be even better! 

  It's the same with my Slinky mission, there are many great things about me. I think I'm quite pretty, I have lovely eyes, a bright smile, nice hair, I'm hilarious, I'm kind, I'm witty and I can recite all the words to the film "Adventures in Babysitting" 

   Losing weight and getting fitter and healthier is about me doing the very best I can for me and being the most fabulous version of myself.  It doesn't stop me enjoying every single second of my life. I'm not waiting for the weekend, because Friday is bound to be better than today. I'm not sat on the sofa watching re-runs of "The Good Wife" waiting for Mr Right (although I do like "The Good Wife" Go Alicia!) and  I don't think if I were slimmer my life would be perfect, because I've been slim and my life wasn't any more perfect than it is now. 

   Don't get me wrong I like Friday nights, I wouldn't mind finding Mr Right and I do want to be slimmer, but I won't let my life pass me by whilst I wait for them.  Life is so very short and precious that you have to stop waiting for Friday and go out and do what's best for you today! Weight wise I stayed the same this week, but that's OK because I smashed my target of earning more than 30 bonus points (43 points in total thank you very much) and I had a really fun week.

It's for this "not waiting for Friday" reason, I’d like to dedicate this blog to Corah Blu Slaney who died today at the age of 17 after suffering from Mitochondrial disease. You can read more about Corah’s battle here.

My love and thoughts are with Corah’s parents Lisa and Carl and all her family.

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