Tuesday 24 September 2013


This week I’m really proud of myself! I knew that if I hadn’t lost anything when I stepped on the scales this week, I would be genuinely gutted, but my hard work has paid off and I had a loss of 4 ½ pounds! Which means I am back on target for having lost my 14-pound goal by my 1-year anniversary of 30th October and most importantly I got to cross off some of those numbers, which is really therapeutic. 

  Our friend Laura has joined us in our Slinky mission too and we have grand plans of heading to Vegas next year and being the hottest babes on the strip. I think our trip will probably end up something like this, which I think the 3 of us know is how we'll be in about 40 years time!

In the meeting today we were talking about what was the catalyst that made you want to lose weight.  Everyone had different reasons for some it was because they wanted to be able to run around with their children, for others it was a photo that had spurred them into action and for some a cruel comment.

  Lucy works with a lot of men and without wishing to tar every bloke with the same brush, sometimes you don’t think before you speak! One of the blokes Lucy worked with schmoozed her with the line “blimey Trinder you’ve put some timber on” Safe to say he didn’t get a brew made for him for the rest of the day. It really hurt Lucy, she'll tell you she'd never really had a weight problem before, but said she could feel it starting to spiral out of control, so when someone else mentioned it, she knew it was time to act!

For me, I think it was the realisation that it was about time I put myself first, as no one else will! They always say the only person who loves you more than you love yourself is your dog and if I’m honest I sometimes think Cyril waivers on that!
Cyril ignoring me!

 I’d had such a long period of time where I let life get me down; I always put the needs of others before my own, particularly in my working environment. I think I was very aware that I wasn’t popular and so tried to make people like me by helping where I could and taking the things they didn't want to do off their hands. Very often I’d plan to do something like go for a walk at lunch time or nip out and do my shopping so that it left my evening free to go to the gym, but then someone would shove something on my desk and I’d end up doing that. I know some personal trainers would argue that meant that exercise wasn’t a priority for me and maybe it wasn’t because I was just trying to keep my head above water. The reality was it didn't make anyone like me any better, I was still very unpopular and Vile Scabby Fanny would still miss me out when offering everyone else a cake (in hindsight maybe she thought I'd eaten enough cakes in my time and was trying to help me lose weight?)

Eventually I reached breaking point and a colleague asked me to help him with something that didn’t need doing. I had a meeting scheduled so I said no. You’d have thought I’d have asked him if I could have a poo on his desk as he spent the next TWO weeks wearing his headphones, pretending to listen to something on his computer, when I could see it wasn’t connected to anything. He didn’t speak to me only to unceremoniously hand me his mug when I offered to make a coffee. And people ask me if I miss my last job?

 After a few months of licking my wounds and getting my head straight again I thought it was time I did something for myself. It’s harder than it sounds because my natural tendency is to do stuff for other people first, Lucy and Dad say I’m a love monster. 

  Losing weight is now a major a priority for me, because there’s only me that can do it, it's on my list of non-negotiables, along with these;
  1. Lose weight
  2. Spend time with my friends and family
  3. Never miss an episode of "Dexter"

There’s only me that can drag my fabulous ass (well it will be fabulous) to the gym and if I eat crap it will only affect me, no one else will put on weight if I shove my face with a family sized bar of Dairy Milk (other chocolates are available)  

  I have a lot to lose so it’s all about small victories for me, last week I managed to zip up a pair of knee high boots that I’d never worn before because my calves were too fat and I’ve had to get rid a pair of trousers that were too big and made me look like Kevin Federline in the Britney years, which wasn’t a good look even in the early noughties!
 Ultimately I have a size 10 dress that I want to get into, the last time I wore it was on a Valentine’s date with my ex, the evening wasn’t massively successful and I’ve always felt like the dress was slightly wasted, probably why he's now my ex!

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