Wednesday 15 January 2014

It's a 10 From Me

Another pound gone this week and if I’m honest I was a little bit disappointed because I’ve worked really hard and not a drop of alcohol has passed my lips since New years Day! Still a pound off is better than a pound on, I think sometimes I have to remind myself that my Slinky mission will be a long one and that nothing good ever came easy!

   Lucy and I set ourselves the challenge of not drinking till our mid month jaunt to York. To be honest it’s not been as bad as I thought, but then we have filled our weekends with trips to the cinema. So far we’ve seen “Last Vegas” (very funny) “Mandela; Long Walk to Freedom” (generally brilliant and it stars Idris Elba, who I love  and it made me shed a tear) and “Delivery Man” (just a story really, but a chance to perv at Vince Vaughan) 

  We also went to see “Peter Pan” with the Hoff, which was brilliant, apart from the slightly weird child who sat in front of me. She reminded me of the girl from “The Exorcist” maybe because she kept spinning her head round! She seemed more interested in me than the Hoff, she spent so much time staring at me, I almost felt obliged to sing her a song so her parents at least got some of their money’s worth!

  I also watched “Pretty Woman” for the first time in ages too. I love this film! I remember going to the Regent cinema in Kirkby with my Mum to watch it, because she loved Richard Gere. The Regent had cinema tickets that still said a shilling on them, even though it was 1990 and a bucket in the middle of the aisle to catch the water that leaked from the ceiling, but the building looked as though it belonged in a Hollywood film!

  “Pretty Woman” is one of those films that has gone down in history for many reasons, firstly there’s the shopping scene “big mistake…huge”

There’s that amazing red dress

And of course the fact it has a happy ending!

  Watching the film yesterday, when Julia Roberts does find a shop assistant that will be nice to her, she says “oh you’re a size 6” (UK size 10) and lets face it, she’s pretty perfect. Julia Roberts has a new film coming out soon, “August: Osage County” and she still looks exactly the same.

  Last night when I got home, I was flicking through a magazine and their front cover was full of pictures of really skinny stars and the headline “A Detox Too Far” the article inside was all about certain Hollywood stars and how they were living on diets that consisted of 300 calories a day or only drinking juices and exercising for up to 10 hours a day. Whenever I read articles like these, I always like to see how tall they are, so I can put it into context compared with my height and weight.  

  I’m 5ft 6 and when I originally got down to my goal weight I was 9 stone 10, for a few reasons I ended up dropping a few extra pounds and for a while I looked like a lollipop head (my head was FAR too big for my body) and I knew I didn’t look healthy or very good.

   Although I have a way to go on my slinky mission, I reckon my goal weight will be 10 stone 7, at this weight I know I’ll keep my curves and yet look healthy, I’ll also be a size 10 / 12, and I will be over the moon with that!

  Some of the actresses in this article were the same height as me, and the experts were speculating that they weighed anywhere from 6 to 7 stone. The images were such a stark contrast to Julia Roberts in “Pretty Woman” who looked glossy and healthy.  I started to think about celebrities who's style and bodies  I did admire and the thing they all had in common were a few curves! 

  For me, however much I want to lose weight, I'd rather do it a pound a week and stay healthy, than live on 300 calories a day, I know it would give me massive food mood and after a day (if I lasted that long) I'd just end up stuffing my face with chocolate!


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