Thursday 5 February 2015

The Three Little Pugs

After a couple of weeks of not being able to get to meeting, but sticking to my diet (apart from one takeaway with a friend on Saturday night) I was actually feeling fairly confident when I headed to the scales. However my confidence was severely misplaced and I’d put on a pound! I know it’s only a pound, but I was gutted.

 Takeaway aside, because that’s the first one I’ve had in months! I have done a fair amount of exercise. I haven’t become a gym bunny, what I have been doing is dog sitting. Alongside my lovely Cyril (who is allegedly part beagle, part pug, as you can see he’s clearly all pug!)

Cyril the alleged Beagle / Pug cross!

Can you spot the pug? 

 We have been joined by my Dad’s dogs, Barney and Buddy, 2 pugaliers (part King Charles Spaniel, part pug)

Barney & Buddy

This is the first time I’ve had all 3 for a week, as well as my cat and my sister’s cat and carnage doesn’t quite cover it! Imagine the "Big Brother" house with Perez, Katie Hopkins, Wylie Coyote and the burglars from "Home Alone" and that's pretty much the level of carnage.

I swear I am doing about 4 hours cardio everyday. Not only are we all going on lovely walks. Walking 3 dogs is quite the art form, I’ve bought this contraption, which allows me to put Cyril (the biggest) and Buddy (the smallest) on the same lead, they look like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny Devito in “Twins”, but as they like to run around a lot and Barney’s more of a casual stroller, this is the best option. 

 Most days one walk becomes two, and they are accompanied by phrases such as these;

  • “You’ve got your hands full” (other dog walkers, normally with well behaved dogs to me”)
  • “Don’t wee on his head” (me to one of the dogs)
  • “We don’t need an old sock” (me to one of the dogs) You will be amazed how many odd socks there are in the world, who goes for a walk and takes a sock off halfway round or accidentally loses one? (well anyone over the age of 5?)

  Not only are bonus points earned by walking the dogs, they are also earned by the constant opening and closing of doors to let the dogs onto the other side of them, because apparently a closed door is an offensive door, although if the door is left open, I then end up running upstairs to prevent a row with the cat.

A rare moment of Cyril & Pudding getting on!

  I’m pretty much managing 10,000 steps a day by these means!

When I looked at my tracker (Weight Watchers speak for the place you write everything down that you eat) and I realised that over the last few weeks, it was rare that I had eaten my points everyday. Most days I had between 5 and 10 left and I never touched the activity points.

Since my bewitching a few weeks ago (being hypnotised) I haven’t eaten any form of chocolate, cake, biscuit, desert and try and buy things with a really low / no sugar content) I know in the past I’ve been guilty of saving points so I can eat (a lot of) chocolate throughout the day. All within my points, but I think I’ve sacrificed better choice meals for chocolate.

So now I’m trying to eat better meals and snack less and eat enough. Lets face it if I’m doing the right things, at some point it’s all going to click!

  Plus even though it's taken me hours to write this blog, there are rare moments of peace!

Cyril & Buddy snuggling

And relax!!!

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