Friday 20 February 2015

The Phone Call of Shame

“Ring Ring, Ring Ring” (or in my case, because my ringtone is “Uptown Funk”, it’s a quick burst of Bruno giving me some ...

ME: “Hello”
VOICE ON PHONE (VOP): “Is that Katie?”
ME: “Yes”
VOP: “hello, this is Matt from your gym, we just wondered if you were OK?”
ME: “Yes I’m fine, why?”
VOP: “well you haven’t been for a while and we wondered if we’d upset you?”
ME: “oh no not at all, I think the gym is wonderful and your teachers amazing, the staff are generally lovely, you haven’t upset me at all, I’ve just been really busy with work”
VOP: “Will you come back soon?”

ME: “Yes of course”
VOP: “When?

By the end of the conversation, I felt so guilty that I promised faithfully to go to the gym on Sunday morning and to go and find him to say hello, so he knew I’d kept to my word. I haven’t had boyfriends who cared about my welfare as much as Matt from the gym! Maybe I should date him!

  It did make me feel bad though, because oddly I really do enjoy going to the gym and I love Just Jhoom and Zumba and I even find it oddly enjoyable when I get to go first thing in a morning and spend half an hour on the treadmill listening to whatever randomly pops up on my iPod, although this is my new favourite work out tune at the moment!

The reason for causing my gym to worry is that I’ve genuinely been so busy with work and travelling around the country that I haven’t had time. The time I have had has been spent either catching up on housework or making sure the dogs are walked. Although apparently a 6-mile walk for Buddy wasn’t enough on Saturday!
Buddy wide awake & raring to go after his work....Cyril  having a kip!

 Even though I appear to have moved into my car, I have been sticking to my diet and on Tuesday faced a massive temptation! Lucy and I had to go to Portsmouth for a meeting and because we had allowed ourselves some “getting lost time”, which we didn’t we had time for a brew. Nipping into a branch of Subway, I ordered us a coffee and this is what happened.

ME: “2 coffees please”
LADY BEHIND THE COUNTER (LBTC): “would you like a cookie to go with it?”
ME: “no, thank you” (feeling virtuous, halo glowing a little brighter)
LBTC: “They’re free”
ME: “No, really it’s fine”
LBTC: “Would you like the receipt so you can have a free cookie, the next time you come in?”
ME: almost crying, “Please don’t make me eat the cookie”

  I appreciate the lady was just trying to be nice and having eaten Subway cookies in the past, I know they’re delicious, but and this is the weird thing; since I was hypnotized, I haven’t touched any form of chocolate, cake, biscuit or desert. I wasn’t sure I could say to the woman behind the counter, “the reason I don’t want your cookie, is because I’m fat and the reason I got fat was because I ate too many delicious cookies and now I’ve been hypnotized and so I think cookies smell like dirty toilets and taste like shit, so please stop offering me pieces of shit”

  Taking the positives from the week, I’ve made a new best friend from the gym and managed to clock up 5 weeks without any form of sweet stuff, I’m taking that as a win!


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