Thursday 26 March 2015

Free the Cheesecake One!

When I say this, it really isn’t an excuse, but the last few weeks have been really busy with work. We have a massive project on at the moment and I’ve spent a lot of time in meetings. Fortunately I've managed to stick to my diet and in meetings I’ve avoided biscuits, even the nice chocolate ones you normally only get at Christmas. I’ve made sensible choices if I’ve eaten out and any downtime that I have had, I’ve filled with exercise, so even though I didn’t make my meeting last week, on average I’ve been earning 41 bonus points. 

  This has been through a mixture of burlesque dancing, going to the gym and walking. I can now walk up the 199 steps in Whitby without thinking my heart is going to burst out of my chest! As a result this week a pound has magically disappeared. Well maybe not magically because I worked bloody hard for that!

The 199 Steps in Whitby

I’ve also been reinforcing my DNA Fit way of eating. A few months ago I was genetically tested to see what foods my body best responds to. Yes this is a thing and you can read about it in this blog. For me (and please keep in mind that this is exclusive to my DNA, yours will be different, even if we are related!) I need lots of protein and very little carbs. So despite my love of carbs, I now only eat them once a day.

  I also don’t eat chocolate, cakes, deserts or sweet things in general, because I've been hypnotised not to! Don’t I sound a hoot to be around! Sometimes I feel I’m morphing into Gwyneth Paltrow and before I know it, I’ll be on a macrobiotic diet, banning Cyril (my dog) from eating meat and saying things like “I don’t put anything that hasn’t been through an ancient refining process in my body” and spending 3 hours a day in a downward dog pose making humming noises. 

  As I had a little bit of time at home last night, I thought I’d experiment in the kitchen. If you read my Slinky blog regularly, you’ll know that the outcome of this is bound to be as happy as someone in a horror film going into a dark building, where the lights don’t work and there’s a serial killer on the lose.

  I love Pinterest and on there I’d found a recipe for a sugar free, carb free cheesecake, mmmmm sounds delicious (*may or may not be true) In my days as a sugar-aholic, the one thing I could make with serious aplomb was a cheesecake, my peanut butter creation had my neighbours begging me for the recipe and actually asking me to make it for EVERY gathering!

My Raspberry & peanut butter cheesecakes

  The sugar free / carb free recipe called for 4 ingredients
  1. Cream cheese
  2. Eggs
  3. Bananas
  4. Peanut butter (I used an organic almond one, my inner Gwyneth was proud)

The recipe said bung it in a bowl, mix it up, shove it in the oven….or words to that effect. I can’t help, but feel there’s a cooking programme lurking deep within my soul.

Looks promising at this stage, very American cheesecake!

  After an hour, I figured it was time to take it out of the oven, well the smoke alarm was going off and that’s a sign in the Trinder household that dinner is ready.

A bit burnt, but I can live with burnt if it tastes nice!

  Now granted it was a bit burnt, but I wasn’t going to let that put me off. I waited patiently for it to cool and down and waited to taste the creation that would make me a changed sugar free / carb-free loving person. As I cut myself a sensible slice and prepared to have my taste buds tickled, I realised that there’s a reason I had loved cheesecake so much and that was the carbs and sugar that was in it.
Sadly my cheesecake was not a pleasant experience, it just tasted like eggy cream cheese mixed with a bit of banana and peanut butter and then burnt in the oven! It just made me miss proper cheesecake!

  If you have any sugar free recipes that you’ve tried and actually tasted nice, then I’d love to hear about them!

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