Saturday 9 May 2015

Lovely Las Vegas

It’s been quite a few weeks; everything has been really busy, in some ways that’s been good and in others not so good. Either way my diet has suffered and I found myself slipping into old habits. In the run up to my holiday, unlike normal people who panic diet so they look great on holiday, something in my head thought “screw it, I’m still fat, I’ll still be fat on holiday, so I’ll worry about it when I get back!

  I went on holiday to Las Vegas, which is an amazing place and as it turns out, a place where actually anything does go. If you want to drink beer and gamble at 8 in the morning, you can drink beer and gamble at 8 in the morning and no one will judge you. If you want to dress like a female member of Kiss and stand in the street with your boobs out, apparently that is also acceptable. I’m not 100% sure I would get away with either of those things in Mansfield.

Grand Canyon selfie

  Las Vegas is very much a place of excess, which is actually no good if you’re on a diet and easily led. I am both of those things, so despite my best intentions, the first morning I ordered fruit and yogart for breakfast (yay me) the second the gloves were off and out came the pancakes and then the next morning the waffles and so on! I could offer an excuse as to why, but the truth is I like pancakes and I like waffles and I never eat them at home! 

  If you’ve read the Slinky blog before you’ll know that a few months ago I was hypnotised into believing that sugar tasted like poo and smelled like dirty toilets, which worked and I didn’t touch anything sweet for ages, even sitting in meetings with cakes right in front of me and going out for afternoon tea, where I only ate sandwiches and genuinely wasn’t tempted by the cakes, but in Vegas all bets were off and my sugar addiction came back in force.

  Pancakes and waffles for breakfast, chocolate puddings, ice cream, these really lovely little petit fours served in one of the best restaurants I’ve ever been in (Picasso in the Bellagio hotel) and then I even started eating the little hotel chocolates they leave on your pillow and they are always really horrible chocolate!

Chocolate pudding

Petit Fours from the Picasso restaurant

  So now I’ve been back a couple of weeks and by the time I set foot on English soil, despite having one of the best holidays ever and loving every square inch of Vegas, I felt so bloated and horrible, that I knew it was time to reignite the Slinky diva in me. Out came my DNA fitplan and for the first time ever I made a shopping list as opposed to wandering aimlessly round the supermarket looking for stuff I might like.

   Sugar has once again been knocked on the head and if I do get a craving I’ve started tapping. (Tapping is where you tap different pressure points on your body and it helps break the craving, it also works for my panic attacks) I’ve also reduced the carbs I eat, because according to my DNA I do not respond well to them, but I’ve decided if I want I can have carbs once a week.

  For my first weigh in, which was Tuesday, I’d lost a pound, not a huge amount, but at least it’s starting to come off again and I feel so much better and although there have been a few sugar cravings. Someone posted a picture of a Nutella cheesecake on Facebook the other day and I found myself trying to come up with legitimate reasons I could make one, but I soon snapped myself out of it. The carbs I haven’t really missed at all. Hopefully next week a few more pounds will have disappeared!

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