Tuesday 20 August 2013

I Love You....You Fat Pig. Or How to Woo a Girl in 10 Easy Steps

For those of you who read my blog last week, the races were a huge success! We had an amazing day out and although we only managed to win about £2.50 and I indulged in a piece of pork pie, which maybe wasn’t so great, it was just a brilliant laugh from start to finish! My dress even stood up to some quite energetic bouncing during the Take That experiences rendition of “Let Me Entertain You” my boobs stayed firmly in place, so thank you Asos curve! I really can’t recommend that range highly enough www.asos.com

Me & my sexy ladies

    I went to the races with a great bunch of ladies and as conversation does when there’s a group of girls together we ended up talking about boys. We got chatting to a group of lads who used such chat up lines on as “I can tell how old a woman is by feeling her breasts”. He was a little taken aback when I replied that I could just tell him how old I was and therefore cut down his need to fondle me. There was also a guy who quite openly admitted he was married and then spent the day trying to crack off with anyone who would basically talk to him (his wife’s a lucky lady!)

  I am lucky enough to be friends with some amazing ladies and it appears that just recently we’ve all had some really rotten experiences with men. I think there’s a tendency to think that when you’ve lost your weight and you have an amazing slinky body that the man of your dreams will find you and you’ll spend you life living in total relationship smugness, getting to say to your single friends “don’t worry I never thought I’d find the man of my dreams and then I did, if it can happen to me, it can happen to you” That very phrase makes me want to punch whoever says it in the teeth and then line up bits of Lego for them to walk on (if you’ve never trod on a piece of Lego it REALLY hurts)!

  My friend Laura has just recently decided to start dating again after getting divorced and so far has been out with a couple of different blokes. The last bloke she went on 2 dates with. Date number 1 was a walk in Leicestershire, where she ended up paying for dinner, whilst he chatted about himself and gave her a mini history lesson on Turkey. Date number 2 was dinner (and this bit is important) where she had olives (as did he) the fish and Eton Mess. At the end of the meal she offered to pay half and he refused. Again he chatted about himself and the night ended with a snog, where Laura said she felt like her face had been actually sucked off and she had to surreptitiously wipe the slobber from her mouth when he wasn’t looking. Laura decided that it wasn’t going to work so when she got home she sent him a text saying thanks for a lovely date, she thought he was a nice chap, but didn’t think it was going to work. He sent her back this text…

The genuine text my friend received!

I’m sure his mother is very proud. Another friend of mine has also gone on a dating site and she received a message from someone saying, “fat people shouldn’t be on dating sites” I’m not sure why this particular charmer is still single.

  I have dated many blokes over the years, when I’ve been fat and thin, some of them have been lovely and I have remained close friends with them and others were a waste of air. I’ve heard lines such as “you didn’t reply to my text message quick enough so I got engaged to someone else”, “I’ve fallen in friendship with you” and there was the bloke who got all upset because when we went to the cinema, I turned to look at a poster of Robert De Niro, apparently this meant that me and Robert (or Bobby D as I like to call him, because we are so close) were in a relationship! Just recently a bloke asked me out, he then cancelled when he went on holiday with the girlfriend he told me he’d split up with!

  Kelly Brook has also been in the press recently because she’s dumped her boyfriend and he’s retaliated by saying all kinds of horrible things about her. Just makes you think that if even someone as beautiful as Kelly Brook (love or hate her she’s a sexy lady) has man trouble then there really is no pleasing men. It just goes to show that whether you’re thin or fat some men are just aren’t worth the hassle.

  Kelly Brook if you want to come and hang out with me and my friends, you’re more than welcome, we really are hilar!

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