Friday, 13 September 2013

Early Mornings and Hot Blokes!

So far so good this week! Lucy and I have set ourselves the challenge of losing a stone before our 1 year Weight Watchers anniversary, which is the 30th October. We’ve even pinned a chart to the office noticeboard so we can cross off the pounds as we go!

  When (not if) we both lose the required 14 pounds, it will see Lucy reach goal weight and me achieve my 15% goal. Before anyone thinks we’ve set ourselves an unrealistic target, essentially it equates to us losing 2 pounds a week, which is what the people who know what they’re talking about say you should aim for.

  I think the more my slinky mission continues, the more I’ve realised that you have to set yourself realistic goals. I know I have a sweet tooth and so to deny myself any form of chocolaty goodness would see me have a bonkers moment where I just stuff myself full of a family size bar of Dairy Milk! So instead of saying that I wont eat chocolate I’ve found low fat options. For example a flake is only 2 Weight Watchers points and a curly wurly is only 3 and they’re proper chocolate! Plus you can have 4 rich tea biscuits for 3 points, if you have those with a brew you feel like you’re being really naughty when in fact you’re not! (well your not if you have the points!)

  Exercise is the same for me, I think in the past I’ve set myself unrealistic targets and made such bold statements as “I’ll get up every morning at 6 and do an hours workout before I start work” The reality of that is, my alarm would go off, I’d have an extra hour in bed and then get up to watch “Daybreak” (other breakfast news shows are available) with a brew.

  This time I’ve decided that I will go to the gym a minimum of twice a week, any more than that and yay me, but no pressure! In my working life I’m really organised and keep a list of what needs doing when, that way I know what I’m trying to achieve that day. (These organisational skills may shock my friends who know my non-working reality is somewhat more chaotic) I decided to adapt this philosophy to my gym schedule, so I looked in my diary at what I had to do that week, when I could realistically fit everything in and decided when the gym trips could happen! Hey presto last night I went after work and then again this morning! I got up when my alarm went off and headed to the gym! If I manage to fit in a workout tomorrow brilliant, if not then I wont feel guilty! The bonus of going to the gym this morning was I saw a really hot man leaving for work who lives round the corner from me. I felt as though the exercising Gods were rewarding me for going to the gym so early! In fact he was so hot, I’ll be getting up early next week to go the gym!

  I’ve also decided I need to put together a new gym playlist to motivate me, I pressed shuffle on my IPod this morning and as much as I love Angry Anderson, it’s not really great at making me pedal faster on the bike. Don’t judge me! If you’re mid 30’s I bet you still cry at the clip of Scott and Charlene getting married, if you don’t, then you’ve a heart of stone!

  So any suggestions for suitable songs for my “work you ass of playlist”? Please keep in mind the following
1)     I have rubbish taste in music
2)     I’m not a big fan of anything that takes its inspiration from a car alarm
3)     I love soft rock and also boy bands 

Please and thank you to you!

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