Tuesday 10 September 2013

It's On Like Donkey Kong (Other computer games are available)

Whoever tells you that losing weight is easy, is (in my opinion) one of three things
  1. An idiot
  2. Someone who has never tried to lose weight
  3. Trying to sell you something!

Losing weight isn’t easy it’s really bloody hard and staying focused and on track is the hardest thing of all. I get so upset by magazine articles who have some half naked celebrity on the front saying they've lost a stone in a week and then when you buy the magazine and read the article they've basically lived in a cave in the middle of nowhere for the week and only eaten mung beans (I don't even know what a mung bean is let alone have ever eaten one!) It's irresponsible and not a fair representative. 

  Then there's those people (and we all have friends like these) who say "I've never had a weight problem and if I think my clothes are getting a bit tight, I just cut back for a week" This statement is usually accompanied by them shoving a cream cake in their gob as you do your best not to hang off the other end of it as you know that even being in the vicinity of the cake means you've indadvertedly consumed the calories too.

  Then there's those who promise you the world and all you have to do is sign up for their amazing boot camp / diet / pills that will have you  a size 10 within the month. All it costs is 5 easy payments of £99.99 per month and the magic is yours. I must admit the picture of the lady in the cycling shorts and vest top stood sticking her tummy out as far as it can and looking sad compared to the lady (who always looks like her younger sister) in a bikini with abs of steal, a tight bum and weirdly bigger, faker looking boobs makes it tempting to sign up!

  But truth be told, they're all rubbish! The only way to lose weight is to stop stuffing your gob and move around a bit more than you probably do! 

It was back to the scales for me this morning to assess the holiday damage and in fairness it wasn’t too bad, I’d put on 2 pounds, which I can live with and most importantly do something about!

  The 30th October will be mine and Lucy’s one year Weight Watchers anniversary and if I’m honest I’m probably not quite where I’d like to be, I think I’d seen myself being a few more stones lighter. BUT and this is the thing for me, I am lighter than I’ve been in a long time and the majority of the time (high days and holidays excluded) I’ve stuck to my slinky mission. In fact I try not to see it as a diet, but a way of life!

 I remember when I first started Weight Watchers, a girl I know started one of these ridiculous half a cucumber diets, where you have half a cucumber on a Tuesday, a grain of rice for your breakfast and only drink chilled water whilst humming "Papa Was a Rolling Stone". She looked me squarely in the eye as she nibbled on a bit of cucumber and said “this is a way of life baby” and I remember thinking there’s no way on this earth you’ll stick to that for longer than half an hour and sure enough she didn’t, pretty soon it was a case of the only way is Haribo!

  So although there have been some minor mishaps along the way, I believe that however long it takes me, I will eventually get there cos this is a diet that allows for the odd slip up and the fact we are human. I've lost 10% of my body weight and have a keyring and certificate to prove it and I'm in clothes I haven't worn for years and generally a dress (in some cases 2) less, so for me that's an achievement!

  That said Lucy and I have set ourselves the target of having lost another stone each by our Slinky anniversary, so for the next month we’ll be really going for it, there will be no mini treats. I’ve tried to be as realistic as possible with the target I’ve set myself. Essentially I need to lose 2 pounds a week and because I know me, I know that if I say I’ll go to the gym everyday that wont happen, so realistically I reckon I can fit in twice a week with my work and my Cyril walking schedule!

  So wish me luck and hopefully when I get on the scales next week, I’ll have chipped away a bit of that pesky next stone! Plus when I do reach that target, I'll get to treat myself to something pretty! Now what should I buy? I'm thinking maybe one of these  http://www.anniehaakdesigns.co.uk  my plan is to get one for each stone I lose, so I never lose sight of exactly what I've achieved and how far I've come! Plus she does amazing jewellery!

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