Tuesday 10 December 2013

My Chocolate Wrap Sheet!

I’m really proud of myself for so far not falling foul of the “it’s Christmas, I deserve a treat” trap and today when I stepped on the scales I’d lost another pound! Every time those numbers go down I swear I could cry a little bit with joy! How I’ll fare over the actual Christmas period still waits to be seen, although last year I managed to lose 3 pounds, but that was down to a nasty bout of laryngitis, not quite sure I want to experience that again!

  Prepare for a smug comment….last night I finished my Christmas wrapping! Everything is bought and paid for, its now neatly wrapped and ready to be delivered and all my Christmas cards were sent last week!

 I also realised that  I’d achieved another Christmas miracle.

  Most years I end up buying somebody chocolate and I always buy Lucy a tube of Pringles. The reason for the Pringles is because of a crime known as “The Great Crisp Theft of 1997” Me and Mum were sat watching the footie together and Mum said “Lucy has some Pringles in the kitchen, why don’t you fetch them and we can snack on them” Now I hate to speak ill of the dead it wasn’t all her fault, I was a willing and easily led participant in this crime M’Lud. I should probably point out that during this misdemeanour Lucy was in her bedroom, a mere few doors away from the scene of the crime.

  Once the crisps had been scoffed and the tube discarded in the wheelie bin so as to avoid immediate detection, Mum and I thought little of what we had done. That is until a few hours later, when Lucy wandered in deciding she was ready to partake of a Pringle. To say she was angry when she discovered what we had done is an understatement, not helped by Mum and I giggling. Pringles were purchased the very next day to try and make amends and every Christmas since Mum and I always made sure there were two tubes of Pringles waiting for Lucy under the tree. A tradition, which I now continue.

  Anyway back to the point, as I say most years I end up buying not only the Pringles, but also someone else chocolate and I reckon every year I end up re-buying the aforementioned items because I’ve eaten the first lot!

  Sometimes it’s a case of I never even attempt to wrap them, I just eat them. In my lowest ebbs I’ve wrapped them, thinking that if they’re wrapped there’s NO WAY I’ll be tempted to eat them. WRONG! It’s like I can hear them…”Katie…..oh Katie….come and eat this finger of fudge that you don’t really like, but the fact there’s one in this selection box under the tree is driving you crazy” I have actually unwrapped presents just so I can stuff my face! I was never proud of myself afterwards, but you tell yourself, just this once, it won’t happen again and before you know it you’ve unwrapped the festive pack of Walnut Whips!

  This year however, I honestly haven’t done this! I have bought people chocolate as presents and I didn’t even wrap it immediately, it sat in plain full view in my fridge and I was never tempted!

  It may sound silly, but when you’ve made excuses just so you can sneak away to stuff your face, this is a big deal. When you’re meant to be on a diet and you’re not feeling it, you make all kinds of excuses “so and so will be offended if I don’t eat 5 of their birthday cakes they have bought in” “I skipped breakfast so 3 bags of crisps and a Biscuit Boost is really only the calorie equivalent of a couple of Weetabix” and “It’s only a beef sandwich” (for beef sandwich read McDonalds hamburger) Plus if you live on your own and no one sees you eat the food, doesn’t count right?
  So this year I have achieved something I didn’t even realised I was going to, until I’d done it! So well as being thinner, I’ve also saved myself money, which means I can treat myself to a new dress for Christmas!

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