Friday 10 January 2014

Slinky By Tuesday Needs Your Vote!


 Just a quick blog to say how much I appreciate those of you read my blog every week, particularly those who take the time to say nice things; I even appreciate those who don’t.

 Anyway “Slinky By Tuesday” is up for a UK Blog Award and if you could spare me a moment of your time to vote, I’d be eternally grateful. The first stage is all down to the public and then it’s up to the Academy (or is that the Oscars? Maybe I’ll get one of those too?)

  Voting closes on 26th January 2014 and here’s how you vote

    If my winning smile isn’t enough to make you vote, then do it for the animals…. Pudding (my cat) yes I get the irony someone trying to lose weight has a cat called Pudding! 

Pudding Cat

And my menace of a dog, Cyril 

Cyril & his new favourite thing….a satsuma!

have been promised amazing treats if I win, so do it for them…

  If you do vote, thank you, it really does mean a lot!

Katie xxx

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