Thursday 15 May 2014

I Love to Go a Sauntering!

I know that sometimes my Slinky mission falls a bit short because I don’t exercise enough, I go through phases where I like going to the gym and other phases where I prefer staying at home and watching TV. 

  I think my main problem is I’m easily bored and am yet to find a personal trainer that really motivates me, or actually listens to the things I tell them! One skill I’ve had since childhood is being able to distract people with the art of conversation! I spent many a history lesson getting our teacher with the sexy bum to stop telling us all about the Industrial Revolution, but instead turn towards the board to draw pictures of what various rock climbing terminology meant. This was good for two reasons
1.     I found the industrial revolution quite boring
2.     The class, which consisted of all girls, got to stare at his bum for most of the lesson.

  A few years ago I started working out with a personal trainer, but again I soon got bored of lifting a kettle bell or lunging or stepping up and down on a plastic box so I soon worked out a way of distracting him. Apparently this came in the form of asking questions about anything from how certain foods boosted metabolism to what sort of car he’d like to own.

  Anyway with the best of intentions that if I was doing it for charity I would make myself train and go to the gym religiously, my sister Lucy and I registered for the Moon Walk. Every time I say that it gives me a vision of us wearing a black hat, white socks black shoes and something sparkly and going all Michael Jackson through the streets of London town.

  In reality the Moon Walk is a chance to raise money for breast cancer and as we both have friends and family members who have suffered we wanted to do something practical. You can do the Full Moon (26 miles) or the Half Moon (13 miles) We opted for the half moon because I have a manky ankle, I’m not sure this is the actual medical term, but the general gist is I have to be a bit careful.

  Over the last few months, we’ve done a fair bit of training, walking Cyril miles (something he never objects to), gym sessions, spin classes and pole dancing! I think I had images of the weight dropping off me, which sadly it hasn’t!

Cyril on one of his many walks!

  So by Saturday night, apart from the fact we were worried we’d be able to stay awake through the night we were ready and raring to go! We had our t-shirts; we had water and just for good measure we bought Walk the Walk bobble hats!

Who knew bobble hats could be such fun?

  There was a slight delay to the start time, and by the time we did eventually set off, standing in a field for an hour hadn’t helped my ankle. Still as people lined the route to cheer us on and homeowners leaned drunkenly out of windows to clap and tell us a bearded woman had won Eurovision it was hard not to get carried away with the mood. 

  So as Lucy and I strided through the streets of London talking about anything and everything from who had killed Lucy Beale? (Eastenders) Who was the best Batman? (Michael Keaton) and what we were going to have for tea (Chinese) we were in a pretty good mood. Sadly it would appear that not everyone doing the walk shared our good cheer and at one point where we reached a bit of a bottleneck on a pavement one woman exclaimed quite loudly “Well we made a mistake getting on the pavement behind these” before she then pushed through the middle of us. Still we let that go and continued discussing the issues of the day, (no we’re not sure when Katie Price will find a decent chap)

  By the time we reached the banks of the Thames my ankle was pretty sore and although we were still upbeat I was aware I had slowed down a bit, it was at this point, I heard a lady (and I use the term loosely) proclaim that “people who saunter should not be allowed to take part in this” I was a little outraged because surely whether I was sauntering or not I am still allowed to raise money for charity?

The walkers heading over a bridge, I forget which one!

  By the time we got back to our hotel about 4.30am we were pretty tired and sore, but proud of the money we’d raised despite sauntering our way through it!

Ouch! My poor manly ankle post walk!

  However on Sunday we celebrated with wine, a Chinese and there may have been a sneaky pack of Oreos, so despite my plan that the Moon Walk would help me lose weight when I stepped on the scales last night I’d put a pound ON, but at least I’ve raised pounds for a cause I care about!

 If you'd like to sponsor us via our fundraising page that would be nice.

A medicinal bottle of Chablis

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