Thursday 20 November 2014


It doesn’t matter how well I do during the week when it gets to weigh day and standing in the queue to get a weighed, a black mist descends on me and I go from REALLY REALLY confident to convinced that I’ve done REALLY REALLY badly! This week it was the former and it was a case of another pound gone! It’s going slowly, but it’s going!

  I’m still sticking to my DNA fit way of eating, but sticking to my Weight Watchers pro-points. I’ve cut down on my carb intake massively, which this week has been easier said than done. I’ve had a few meetings and been on the road a bit and it’s quite hard to get a salad on the road that either isn’t soaked in high fat salad dressing or contains eggs… I hate eggs! So there have been a couple more sandwich options than normal, but at least I’ve been able to work out the points and most nights I’ve cut the carbs out my evening meal. Most days…sometimes you just really need potatoes!

  I went to get my nails done this morning and I was chatting to the girl who was doing them and she mentioned that she’d missed going to Slimming World this week, because on weigh day she’d gone mental and gone to McDonalds and had a kebab! Now this girl is someone who has a really lovely figure and is very pretty and I found myself uttering the immortal words “well you don’t need to go to Slimming World” and she said “well I’ve lost 2 stone with them, so I go just to make sure that I don’t put it back on again”

pretty nails

  It occurred to me that because I hadn’t known her very long I had assumed she had always been slim and had never had a weight problem. Just like I reckon people who meet me now assume I’ve always been fat!

  When I first went to University, I did what every Uni student does and put weight on. Chips at lunchtime, cakes in the canteen, beer in the evening (sometime afternoon) and I put a couple of stone on. During my third year, my Mum and me joined Weight Watchers for the first time and I got to goal weight  by losing 2 and a half stone. So by the time I started my Post-Grad I was really slinky, so everyone I met there, only ever knew me as Slinky Katie.

Me, Mum and Lucy just after we joined Weight Watchers the first time!

Me (on the left) at goal weight, the first time!

  A few years after I’d left Uni and started work, I met up with an old friend. I hadn’t put a lot of weight on by any stretch of the imagination, but working early mornings (whatever people tell you, getting up at 3.30am every morning is unnatural!) so my eating pattern was a little erratic and I’d probably put a stone back on.

Me & my "belly" (on the right)

  I remember sitting on a sofa with my friend having a coffee and she reached over, prodded me in the tummy and said well you’re clearly content with life! I haven’t seen her recently, because I’m scared she’ll grab my tummy and tell me “never mind content, you must be over the f*****g moon”

  I know that sometimes I put off seeing people who knew me when I was thinner, because weirdly I think they’ll think badly of me for putting lots of weight on and assume I’ve just decided to let myself go, which really isn’t the case. My weight is purely down to comfort eating, I wish I was one of those people who found comfort in exercise or something that was good for me, but I’m not. I’ve worked really hard at re-educating myself and having met up with some friends I hadn’t seen in about 10 years recently, what I learnt is that they were just really pleased to see me!

  My aim for next week is to try and lose 2 pounds, before Christmas I want to be at least half a stone lighter, although if it's more I won't complain!

PS - if you could spare me the time to vote for me in the UK Blog Awards, that would be very lovely of you!

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