Wednesday 7 January 2015

Do You Know What I Got for Christmas? Fat! I Got Fat!

Well that’s not strictly true, if I’m honest Christmas was just a really big flake on top of a VERY big ice cream! A few of my bad habits of been gradually creeping in, which has meant my weight has gradually gone up a bit. 

Bad habits or breakfast pastries as other people call them.

French Toast, which may or may not have been consumed over the Christmas period, by someone who may or may not have been me

There has been an odd flash of brilliance with a pound lost here and there, but (and I know this sounds like an excuse) in the run up to Christmas I’ve been so busy that I haven’t managed to make many weigh ins. I’ve been working crazy hours, which means I haven’t made the gym and getting in late has meant tea has generally been something on toast. It’s amazing what you can put on a bit of toast; I may actually write a cookbook entitled “KT Toast of the Town”.

  I know a lot of people don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions, but I think everyone needs a starting point, whether it’s the start of a New Year, a new week or even a new day, you just need a starting point!

  I took my opportunity as 1st January, I say January 1st, it was the bit after the bit where I stayed up until the early hours of the morning eating and drinking bad stuff. My January 1st started about 10am!

  I planned for it though, I made sure, my fridge was full of healthy stuff that I liked and I also refreshed myself with the plan that DNA Fit put together for me. 

I’ve been combining their advice, but eating to my Weight Watchers points, which has been working. Basically my DNA dictates that I eat very little carbs (bang goes that toast cookbook) eat more fish and protein, bring on the cheese (although weighed and pointed portions) I’m OK with a glass of red (hurrah, I knew I liked dieting) and I can still drink coffee and eat chocolate occasionally (and occasionally doesn’t mean every couple of hours)

  I’ve needed to start to build up my fitness again, so over the weekend, Cyril was taken out for walks, which has the double bonus of earning me extra points and tiring him out, which if you’ve ever come across a beagle is a near impossible task!

Sleepy Cyril & his Moo-cow

  Tuesday morning I set my alarm and was at the gym for 6.30am, which apparently is the busiest place on earth at that time of morning, I had to distract an old lady with Alan Titchmarsh on the tele so I could get on a treadmill.

Ipod and water ready for the gym

Today, I’ve managed to plan my working day so that I could nip off for a couple of hours to go to Just Jhoom, which is my all time favourite ever exercise class. If you’ve never done it, it’s basically Bollywood style Zumba! Don’t let the warm up of moving your eyes left to right and up and down fool you into thinking it’s easy, it’s not! It’s hard and you sweat A LOT and then old ladies have to ask you if you’re alright (well they do with me!)

  So tonight is my first post Christmas weigh in and I know it wont be pretty, but as I strip off at the scales and I mean strip (I need every bit of help I can get) I know that I’ve put myself back on track, I’ve also set myself mini goals to keep me focused! The first one is to have lost 7 pounds by the time I go and see Matt Goss at the end of January, so wish me the best of British!

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