Thursday 15 January 2015


The first weigh in after you’ve (re) started your diet is always the scariest. I'm starting to think I've had more comebacks than Frank Sinatra! Last week, I really gave it my all;  I have counted, pointed, tracked, exercised and followed my DNA Fit plan to the letter. As I approached the scales, I felt a little bit like Jack Bauer in “24”, (spoiler alert!) It felt like that bit when he sacrifices himself to the Russians in order to save Chloe. Maybe slightly over dramatic, as Lucy wast standing at the scales crying "don't Katie, you don't have to do this" and I at no point, whispered dramatically "Damn it Lucy" Still, it was pretty nerve wracking! 

  That first weigh-in can go one of two ways; either your body goes “finally some sensible eating” and responds and you lose weight. or it goes “seriously dude, where’s the 4 tonnes of chocolate you’ve been eating, help, panic, I’m starving, save yourself” and you either stay the same or maybe put half a pound on.

  Fortunately for me, my body was delighted to no longer be eating a vat of Nutella and doing stuff other than sitting on the sofa and exercising my remote changing finger. 

  Turns out it’s quite enjoyed a 6 mile dog walk and early morning trips to the gym, where I can get my freak on to Bruno Mars (by “freak on” I mean peddling furiously on an exercise bike and walking on a treadmill, that’s the definition of “freak on” when you’re 38!) 

I lost 4 pounds this week, and as a result was given 8 little pebbles, which my Weight Watchers leader, Helen gave me. Helen gives everyone a pebble for every half pound they loose, I enjoyed the sound of mine clanking into the bowl!

My 4 pound pebbles

  I’ve never considered myself competitive either, but my Dad and I have both treated ourselves to a FitBit. These are bands that you wear around your wrist and they monitor your activity throughout the day. I suggested to Dad, we wear them round our ankles, but as he pointed out, we'd just look like we were "on tag" They also sync with your Weight Watchers app, so they automatically count your points. The aim is to do 10,000 steps a day, which is harder than it sounds, particularly when you sit at a desk. I keep getting up and walking round the office and at night, there’s a lot of running up and down stairs!

My FitBit

  Without really saying, Dad and I are now competing to see who can do the most steps and earn the most bonus points! Dad was most upset when I got my 5,000 steps badge before him!

  Still with 4 pounds gone, I’m on track to meet my 7 pounds target before I head to London to see Matt Goss, next week!

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