Friday 11 July 2014

A Triple Threat

Four and a half pounds OFF this week, I think that’s the biggest loss I’ve had since the first few weeks of starting Weight Watchers and I’m very proud of myself. I was asked what I’ve been doing differently and at first I said nothing, but then I thought about it and actually I have been doing stuff differently. I’ve basically been sticking to the plan, quite rigidly. I think when you’re on a diet for a long time, bad habits start to creep in, you might not count a bit of mayo you have on your salad, you sneak half a biscuit out the tin, because how much damage can half a biscuit do? This week I’ve stopped this, no more half a biscuits, I’ve eaten the whole biscuit and counted it!

Rich Tea biscuit, 1 Weight Watchers prop-point

  I’ve also been drinking more water and because I sometimes find water bland, I’ve been adding cucumber, mint, lemon and lime to it and drinking a couple of these everyday. It tastes lovely and is a bit more interesting than water!

So this week I’m a happy Slinky!

  When it comes to my Slinky mission, I’m quite realistic, I know ultimately in total I want to lose about 10 stone; this will take me down to a healthy weight, well within my BMI. Dress size wise I’ll probably be a size 12 and I’ll still have my curves and my boobs. That is what I’m aiming for. Whether it’s because I grew up in a household where we watched films starring the likes of Marilyn Monroe, Margaret Lockwood and Bette Davis, but I think a woman should have a bit of meat on her, just maybe not as much as I have at present.

    I remember my Mum saying to me once that if I was careful with what I ate, then I could always be a size 10 and I think growing up a size 10 was as the Beautiful South sang about perfect. Then at some point in the noughties if you were a size 10, you were chubby and being a size 0 was what was considered beautiful!

  Models, celebrities and those girls who like to think they’re famous because they once bumped uglies with someone slightly famous, all seem to strive to have a “perfect body”. But as I flick through the pages of a magazine, it seems the perfect body involves having various bones sticking out of you; collarbones, spine and ribs and boobs are a big no-no! I always wonder how they’re not in constant pain? I always think if I looked like that and my dog jumped on my knee, Cyril could cause me multiple bone fractures!

Me & Cyril

Whenever a magazine does a feature on how much a celebrity weighs, I always look at their height, that way I can try and put it into perspective as to what I would look like at that weight. At my skinniest ever, I was 9 and a half stone and I’m 5ft 6, I felt I looked a bit like a lollipop head (my head looked too big for my body) Victoria Beckham is apparently 5ft 6, (if I ever meet her, I’ll get her to take her heels off and stand back to back with me so I can measure) She is famously a size 0 (UK size 4) and knowing how I felt at 9 and a half stone, I think if I were a size 0, I’d just feel like I’d turned into Jack Pumpkin head.

  However, in my opinion, there’s a far worrying trend started to sweep celebville. It now looks as though if you’re a size 0, you’re likely to be subjected to chants of “who ate all the pies” as celebs now strive to be a size triple 0! Apparently “thin is in”, but it’s really annoying as triple 0 sizes aren’t readily available! I say that’s not annoying; I say that’s a good thing!

  Now don’t get me wrong, I know (because I have friends who genuinely have this issue) that there are some people that struggle to put weight on and remembering to eat is a problem, not because they don’t want to, but because food isn’t important and they’re busy doing other stuff. I just think that to go on a diet so extreme that it could affect your health is bonkers.

  However slowly my weight is coming off, it’s coming off and I’m not harming myself in the process, I am re-educating myself when it comes to eating, I’m learning not to use it as a crutch for everything and I’m discovering forms of exercise I actually enjoy so in the words of Ol’ Blue Eyes I’ll do it “My Way” and by that I mean follow the Weight Watchers plan!

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