Wednesday 27 August 2014

It's Time to Face the Music....

So on Saturday, Peter Dickson’s booming voice will once again fill our living rooms, and  we’ll all start saying stuff like “well it’s the countdown to Christmas now the “X Factor” has started” and reading magazines full of features about who’s the best dressed Cheryl or Mel B.

  With that in mind it was time for me to face a little music of my own. Here’s the science bit, the last 5 weeks have been crazy, my sister Lucy and I as well as running our original business decided it would be a good idea to take on another. So for the last few weeks life has been a whirlwind of learning new things, getting to know new staff and basically sorting out lots of stuff. There’s been early mornings and late nights (sleep???? Sleep is for sleepy people!) and to be honest something had to give and that just happened to be the diet (oh and sleep!)

  Anyway, we decided enough was enough and as lovely as it has been not writing things down every time a morsel of food passed my lips, my ass was really not reaping any benefits, so tonight we headed back to our Weight Watchers meeting.

  I think every time I have an inkling that I can lose weight on my own with out any help I am going to smack myself in the face, because I need the fear of actually getting weighed. Our leader Helen greeted us like long lost friends and asked what we’d been up to, which was great, because I head been scared she’d say “Jesus, what the hell have you two been up to???” 

  Getting on the scales, I was pleasantly surprised to find I’n “only” put on half a stone, which made me happy, because it was no where near my original starting weight and I had been having nightmares that I’d packed it all back on.

  Weirdly I think a break did me good though, because now I’m looking forward to getting cracking with it all again and I’ve organised myself and actually planned my meals for the rest of the week, as well as taking care of the odd treat along the way!

  So as we gear up for Simon, Louis, Cheryl and Mel battling it out to find us another great music talent, who will have a record deal until at least the middle of next year, when their second single comes out and one judge pours water over another judges head and Louis pushes it to deadlock because he can’t decide and Dermot screams at him for a decision, I shall be counting points. I will also spend my Saturday nights saying things like “if I were thin, I’m not sure I’d wear that!”

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