Thursday 3 July 2014

And I'm Feeling Good.....and Other Lies!

I’m having one of those days today, where I really couldn’t decide what to wear, not because I have a date or an important meeting, but because today when I looked in the mirror I really hated what I saw! The irony is that I know my body is starting to get a bit more toned; my bingo wings are wobbling far less than normal…. I know this because I keep looking at them and giving them a jiggle to check it’s not an illusion and my weight is steadily decreasing.

  It just felt like every single item of clothing I put on looked awful. It appeared to show every lump and bump, even lumps and bumps that I swear weren’t there yesterday! I think I changed my top about 5 times before I dared to leave the house and even then I opted for a t-shirt that’s about 4 sizes too big, in fact there may even be a small person hiding underneath it, it’s so large I probably wouldn’t even notice!

  The weird thing is that I didn’t feel like this yesterday and I certainly didn’t feel like it the day before. In fact the day before I went to my Zumba class (which I’m still really bad at, but really love) I’m not one of those girls sees the gym as a place to meet a potential husband. I don’t go in with perfect make up or my hair in some fancy style, in fact most of the time I go in an old pair of joggers and a t-shirt I’ve unearthed from a bottom of the draw, but hey when I know I’m going to end up looking like this…

Sexy post exercise face

  There’s no point in making an effort because who’s going to fancy a sweaty fat bird?

  It wasn’t until I arrived at the gym for Zumba, that I realised my choice of t-shirt may have been a bit of a mistake. Now I love this particular top because I love Tommy Cooper and it’s StellaMcCartney dahhhhling (actually it’s probably the only bit of Stella McCartney clothing I can fit in) However it wasn’t until I arrived at the gym and saw the look of horror on the two 19 year old TOWIE wannabees; complete with diamond studded earing, Aztec patterned wife beater vests, inappropriately short shorts (mouse back in the house boys) and a whiff of biscuits because of a tad too much fake tan that I realised I actually did look a “bogger” (to quote my Gran)

  For although I love my Tommy Cooper t-shirt, it would appear that Tommy was having a laugh at me from beyond the grave. Tommy’s large spectacles were perfectly placed, one over each bosom and his comedy red nose smack bang in the middle of my cleavage.

My beloved Tommy Cooper t-shirt

 But do you know what? I thought it was funny and every time I caught sight of myself in the mirror during the Zumba class, I had a little giggle to myself, because I thought I looked way more fabulous than the two horrified TOWIE wannabees!

  So, the question is why when I knew I looked like a “bogger” the other day, a “bogger” that was horrifying teenagers, did I still feel better about myself than I do today? I don’t know the answer, I really don’t, but for today I will hide away in my large t-shirt and maybe tomorrow when I wake up I’ll channel my inner Tommy Cooper!

  In the meantime here's my favourite version of "Feeling Good", probably not a shock that it's the Matt Goss version! 

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