Thursday 6 November 2014

The Results Are In.....

“The results are in, they’ve been counted and verified, please do not swear” Ok so maybe my DNA Fit results didn’t arrive in quite that way, but I do now know what’s in my genetic make up and it didn't make me swear!

  When my results did arrive, there was no Dermot O’Leary making a grand announcement (other TV presenters are available), but this arrived via e-mail.

My personalised DNA Fit results

  I was pretty sure that it would only be a couple of pages long and just say eat this, don’t eat that, now off you go.

  As I began to read it, I felt like I’d somehow wandered into a biology lesson and the analysis was far more detailed than I ever anticipated, actually showing which genes I had and also an explanation as to what things meant and suggestions for food.

  It wasn’t until I had my consultation with Andrew Steele (Olympic athlete!) That it actually made proper sense. Andrew and I spent a long time chatting about what things meant and what foods genetically I dealt with well and which ones I needed more of or less of! It’s kind of weird to think that whatever weight I am, however old I am my genes will always stay the same and even though me and Lucy are sisters and should I ever need a kidney, she’s first on my “go to for a kidney list” (It pays to be prepared) food wise her DNA is completely different to mine, because she will have picked up a different combination of genes from our parents.

  So and here’s the science, because I’m worth it (tosses hair, smiles at camera and floats off in a floaty dress Cheryl style)

  I have a medium to high sensitivity to carbs, so although I can still eat them, I should really eat far less of them. I am prone to gain more weight when I eat carbs than when I don’t, which makes sense why the “Filling and Healthy” version of Weight Watchers never worked for me, but others  were losing 4  or 5 pounds a week.

  Andrew slightly scared me when I said I shouldn’t be scared of fat – cue inappropriate joke from me about having seen myself naked so I’m not scared of fat. Apparently saturated fats can be good for me and I would do better ditching low fat options and having proper butter and cheese, as long as I don’t combine them with starchy carbs. I'm also pretty sure he meant eating a lump of brie in one go is also a no go.

  Thankfully I’m not lactose intolerant or celiac. I do however need more Omega 3 in my diet and less salt.

  The really good news is my genes (thank you Mummy and Daddy) mean that a glass of red wine a day has a positive effect on me and I’m a fast metaboliser of caffeine!

 What’s also weird is that they can tell from your genes what sort of exercise suits you best. My genes dictate I’m not into instant gratification (and not just exercise wise I can tell you) I’m more into endurance activities, so dance based / aerobic stuff is better for me, which to be honest is right up my street!

  So now I have now results, it’s time to get cracking! Lets see if the proof is in the pudding or in my case  Greek yogurt with berries and flax seeds!

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