Thursday 30 October 2014

It's In Your DNA

I’ve really been struggling the last few months, work has become epically busy, which,  because I work for myself I’m really not complaining about! But it means certain things have had to give. I read so much stuff from personal trainers that says “if it’s important, you’ll make time for it” They’re right, but for me, that’s had to be sleep! A lot of my friends will tell you they’ve barely seen me and obviously there’s been a lack of blog posts!

  The other things that have given have been trips to the gym and my diet, although when I got weighed yesterday I was really pleased that in a month I’d only put a pound on! I’ve tried to be organised and on a Sunday I have made valiant efforts to make healthy food and freeze it so I can get it out, no matter how late I’m running. That’s been successful to a point, but I know I’m drinking too much coffee and eating one too many low fat biscuits!
Occasionally I make stuff other than Spag Bol!

 I knew something was making me feel not quite right, but couldn’t decide whether it was lack of sleep, stress or an allergy. My weight loss has really plateaued and nothing seems to kickstart it! Then someone introduced me to the idea of DNA testing to see exactly what your body did and didn’t respond to. So I contacted DNA Fit. 

I always thought that if ever I had to have a DNA test, they would discover the following
1.     My blood is 90% chocolate
2.     I’m genetically disposed to support Mansfield Town, no amount of reasoning will make me switch allegiances. 
3.     I deludedly believe that one day I will marry Matt Goss

I’m not 100% sure what I thought would happen, my DNA testing kit arrived through the post, which was exactly like the one I used to test my dog Cyril a few months earlier to see whether he’d secretly got Great Dane in him! I swabbed the inside of my mouth, put it back in the sterile packaging and put it in the post, praying that I too,  won't be  half Great Dane!

  I’m not sure what I'm expecting from the results, I sort of think it will be a list of things I should and shouldn't be eating.  I'm just hoping there's not a full on chocolate ban! I should have my results next week!

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